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Lauren Ko - Principal of Taiwanese School of Melbourne 


墨爾本台灣學校 (Taiwanese School of Melbourne Inc.)係由墨爾本台灣同鄉會所創立, 並於1997年7月向澳洲政府立案,依據學校宗旨來教育學生學習華語文,採用正體字教學,其語音系統採用注音符號,但為配合僑界需要,在高年級華語發音成熟穩定之後,亦教導漢語拼音,讓學生在電腦輸入上有更多的選擇機會。本校在墨爾本台灣同鄉會歷任會長及學校歷任校長與全體師生之努力下,教學成績十分輝煌,學生在華語文的學習上,能夠建立結實的基礎,使學生在維多利亞州 VCE 入學考試中能夠得到優良的成績。




​​​​​The Taiwanese School's Mission Statement 


Our Philosophy​

The Taiwanese School was founded to teach Traditional Mandarin literature and language. We believe it is important to appreciate Taiwanese culture as part of the learning experience. We believe that each student has unique needs and we work to provide the necessary guidance and support to ensure these needs are met. 

Our Guiding Principle

We believe learning is best achieved in a happy and supportive environment. Our approach is to ensure that our teachers are qualified and committed to our philosophy of meeting the needs of our students. We also believe that parent involvement in the school can only improve the quality of the learning experience.

Our Aims

We want our students to be fluent in spoken and written Mandarin, to be able to appreciate Taiwanese culture. For those of our students of Taiwanese descent, we would like them to be proud of their heritage and what it means for the multicultural society that we live in. We want to provide our students with the opportunity to achieve a VCE qualification in Mandarin.



(一) 經營學校的理念  

  • 以中文正體字教學,並重視台灣語文及文化之傳承。

  • 配合 澳洲多元文化理念,注入品質,求其卓越。

  • 以美化人生,融入關愛,求其和樂。


  •  以學生為中心:以學生為主體,重視個別差異,適性輔導,帶好每一位學生。

  • 以服務為信念: 專業服務,品質保證 。

  • 以共識為中心: 民主參與,凝聚向心力,發揮績效。


  • 學校:是凝聚共識,活力團隊,永續經營的學園。學生:是健康有愛,快樂有夢,尊重他人的兒童。

  • 教師:是喜愛孩子,樂於學習,教學的專業人。

  • 家長:是以愛和榜樣,支持教育革新,是教師的工作夥伴學校教育的合夥人。


  • 營造快樂學習的溫馨校園,啟發多元性學生智能。

  • 打造專業服務的教學團隊,開發全方位教育效能。

  • 塑造卓越創新的教育學園,激發高品質教育產能。


  • 教育學生能聽、能說、能讀、能寫華語文,並了解台灣一般基本 文化。

  • 教育學生成為多元優質的學生,達到並通過維州VCE考試之高標準。​​

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