由於2022年5月21日為聯邦投票日,Ashwood學校也是其中之一投票所,因此當天台灣學校的所有班級改為線上課程,上課時間一樣是下午1:30pm ~ 4:30 pm,上課連結會由各班老師公佈於google classroom,請家長和學生留意資訊。
謝謝您的配合,如有其它疑問, 請和我們聯繫!! 謝謝。
Online class news
Dear Parents,
Due to the Federal Election Day will be conducted on May 21 and Ashwood High School will be one of the polling places. Therefore, all the classes on May 21 will be conducted online from 1:30pm to 4:30pm. The link will be attached in google classroom by teachers.
Thank you for your cooperation and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Taiwanese School of Melbourne