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學校消息 2022 Term 1 - 收費方式 School Fee

Updated: Feb 5, 2022


大家新年快樂! 學校將於2月5日開學返校上課, 經過去年幾乎一整年的網上課程, 很感謝各位家長的協助, 同學們也認真地繼續中文的學習. 雖然線上課程很圓滿很成功的完成, 但是我們仍然很期待坐在教室裡一起學習的氛圍. 很高興今年我們可以回到學校與大家見面, 學生們一起坐在課室裡上課. 學校將依據Department of Education and Training (DET) 及 Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)的指示, 遵照COVID Safe Plan 來準備返校上課須符合及遵守的規定及事項. 更多的資訊將在開學前透過電子郵件提供給全校師生及家長.

收費方式: 繳費通知單已於1月30日由email 寄給各位家長, 請家長收到通知單後儘快繳費. 如果您未收到通知單, 可查看'垃圾信件匣', 或 email: 告知, 學校將會再為您寄上. 目前學校因遵循COVID Safe Plan, 家長將無法被允許進入大樓內, 學校收費將全面採取銀行轉帳方式, 造成不便敬請見諒也感謝您的配合.

墨爾本台灣學校 敬啟

Dear parents/guardians,

Happy New Year to you all. Our school will start on Saturday 5th February 2022. Last year was a very challenging year, that we had to conduct almost all our lessons online. Thank you very much for your understanding and assistance, so the classes were able to be run successfully and our students were able to continue learning Mandarin. We are very excited that finally we can return to face-to-face learning and look forward to seeing you and your children.

Our school will follow the COVID-safe plan and instructions from the Department of Education (DET) and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Further details of our COVID-safe plan will be sent to you in a separate email.

School Fee: The invoice has been emailed to all parents on January 30th, please pay as soon as possible after receiving it. If you have not received the invoice, please check the 'spam folder', or email: enquiry@ informed and we will send it to you again. At present, parents will not be allowed to enter the building according to COVID Safe Plan. The school fee will be only accepted by bank transfer. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

Warmest regards,

Taiwanese School of Melbourne



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